Rules & FAQ

2023 (Last Revised: 2023-08-18)


  • Upon arrival, check in with a greeter! Find out where to park, where to set up, etc. Take a tour of our location & amenities (shower/grey water).
  • DO NOT SETUP JUST ANYWHERE! You have a designated location which our greeters will direct you to based on your location on the map.
  • Do not shit in shower! Yes, that means YOU! Camp grey water is NOT to be used for bodily fluid disposal. There are porta-potties located throughout the city with the closest found at 6:00 between G & H.
  • When using the shower watch the pump. Do not let it run dry and burn out.
  • Do not overfill the grey water container. If it spills out, YOU’RE MOOPING!
  • Do not mess with the generator and/or breakers – contact a camp lead for questions and/or to report problems.
  • No open or unattended flame/fires.
  • Do not burn anything in the propane firepit, it is NOT a trash burn barrel.
  • If you smoke, please dispose of your butts safely. Use a fire/heat resistant butt-bag to prevent MOOP. No butts should go in the propane fire pit.
  • No dumping anything on playa — this goes for everything from food/scraps, water, bodily fluids, kitchen waste, etc. LEAVE NO TRACE!
  • Bring solutions not problems.
  • If you have scheduled shift(s), show up or get a replacement. Accountability is key! Every shift should have a warm hand-off from the previous volunteer. Do not leave without a replacement.
  • Remember the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We’re all in this together!
  • When in doubt, contact camp leads via the greeter table radio to answer any questions.


Who we are

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Why we’re here

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Accordion item 3

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